Connected Communities 2.0

October 1, 2024

Deadline:  Concept Paper due 8/20/24, Full Application deadline 10/10/24  

Eligible Applicants:  State Gov, Local Gov, Industry, States/Territory, National Lab, Non-Profit, Education

Fuel Type:  EV

Agency:  Michigan Infrastructure Office

Description:  This $50 Million program focuses on technical measures at the grid edge in buildings, industry, and transportation to prepare the electric grid for new loads and to improve the resilience of customers and the grid.

Eligible Projects:  Connected Communities 2.0 and its sub-topic Smart Change Management make approx. $65 million available for research, development, demonstration, and/or deployment of innovative projects to manage growing transportation, building, and industrial loads to the grid.

More Information:  EERE Funding Opportunities, Announcement Number:  DE-FOA-0003136