Clean Fuels Michigan Debuts New Brand Image and Website

August 2, 2021

Clean Fuels Michigan is excited to debut a new brand identity! The new identity intends to keep all the significance of our original logo while simultaneously moving the brand forward. With new organizational leadership, rapidly growing membership, and increasing tailwinds for clean transportation, it felt time to refresh the Clean Fuels Michigan brand image.

The goals of our new identity are three-fold:

  • Elevate our image to reflect the high caliber of policy and industry leadership that we represent in our membership. Our members are the best and brightest in the clean fuels industry, and we want to represent the industry with a logo that reflects that same innovation and leadership.
  • Provide additional member benefits through a website custom-made for nonprofit trade associations. The new website offers additional features, including a members-only hub for information and networking that we hope member companies will use to their benefit. We will be in touch with members shortly to provide log-in information and a tutorial of the site’s features.
  • Build the foundation for organizational growth. Our new logo and website will allow us to engage in enhanced marketing tactics, onboard new programs, and increase visibility for clean transportation opportunities.

Though our brand has changed substantially, we remain dedicated to the same mission and vision:

MISSION: Accelerate the transition to clean transportation in Michigan by advocating for the suite of alternative fuels, including biofuels, hydrogen, propane, natural gas, and electric vehicles.

VISION: A bright, prosperous, and sustainable Michigan that is a national leader in clean fuels.

We would like to give a special “thank you” to Michael Allen Ulinski for creating our new brand identity pro-bono. Michael’s care and attention to creating a brand that accurately reflects Clean Fuels Michigan’s mission and vision are so appreciated. Well Design created our website, and we cannot thank them enough for their support throughout the process.

We are so excited to grow with this new brand as we advance the clean transportation industry in Michigan and beyond. For more information or to learn more about membership with Clean Fuels Michigan, please reach out to Jane McCurry at