Today, Clean Fuels Michigan submitted a letter with our partners expressing support for clean mobility budget proposals. Governor Whitmer’s State Budget includes numerous proposals to incentivize the transition to cleaner mobility in Michigan. We are very excited to work with the legislature, our members, and advocacy partners to see these programs get funded this year. See the full letter below:
Dear Chair Witwer, Chair Anthony, Vice Chair O’Neal, Vice Chair McCann, Minority Vice Chair Lightner, Minority Vice Chair Bumstead, Budget Director Harkins, and House and Senate Appropriations Committee Members:
Thank you for your leadership and dedication to the people of Michigan. The signatories to this letter include 26 organizations and businesses representing electric vehicle charging station companies, environmental, sustainability, and health advocates, business organizations, trade organizations, and more. We write today to express our support for state investments in clean transportation solutions that benefit all Michiganders.
Several proposals included in Governor Whitmer’s Executive Budget will help Michigan meet this unique moment in the EV and clean mobility industry. We support the following proposals and urge you to work with your colleagues to fund these programs. These recommendations will support public fleets, protect communities that suffer from poor air quality, and help to provide access to EVs for everyday Michiganders. This is a comprehensive package that will enable faster adoption of low-emission technologies that help meet the Governor’s MI Healthy Climate Plan. These programs will also enhance opportunities to secure additional federal funding, as well as fill in gaps where such funds may not be available or not be sufficient to meet market demand.
- Michigan Clean Fleets Initiative: $45 million (EGLE – Supplemental)
This program will provide grants to counties, municipalities, airports, and regional transportation authorities to convert fleet operations to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. - Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: $65 million (LEO – Supplemental)
For fast chargers, addressing medium and heavy-duty vehicle charging needs, and residential chargers. - Electric Vehicle Sales and Use Tax Exemption: $48.4 million (Tax Policy)
Temporary Sales and Use Tax Exemption on the purchase of electric vehicles to incentivize their adoption by consumers. The tax exemption will be available for a period of two years. - Critical Minerals Recycling Program: $15 million (EGLE)
Support research into the reuse of critical materials for clean energy production. - State Fleet Electrification: $10 million (General Government)
To begin transitioning the state’s vehicle fleet to electric vehicles, thereby demonstrating the state’s leadership and commitment to new mobility options and support of a clean energy economy. - Michigan Clean School Bus Program: $150 million (School Aid)
For grants to support the conversion of school fleets to low or no greenhouse gas emissions operations.
As the state that put the world on wheels, we need bold, equitable, and cohesive state investments to bring sustained tailwinds to clean mobility in Michigan and across the nation. This package of investments will support domestic energy production, demonstrate Michigan’s leadership in mobility, leverage public-private partnerships, and support cleaner air for Michiganders.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you to see these proposals enacted in Michigan.
Ryan Gallentine, Advanced Energy United
Matthew Bloom, AmpUp
Kathleen Slonager, Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America – Michigan Chapter Sasha Pejcic, BetterFleet
Vicki Hover, BorgWarner
Alissa Burger, CALSTART
Deana Dennis, Ceres
Jane McCurry, Clean Fuels Michigan
Sean McBrearty, Clean Water Action
Charles Griffith, Ecology Center
Aaron Viles, Electrification Coalition
Susan Mudd, Environmental Law & Policy Center Justin Balik, Evergreen Action
Cory Bullis, FLO EV Charging
David Brosky, Fontaine Modification Company Joshua Williams, Highland Electric Fleets
Baily Soto, Legacy EV
Kindra Weid, MI Air MI Health
Frank Houston, Michigan BlueGreen Alliance
Ed Rivet, Michigan Conservative Energy Forum
Laura Sherman, Michigan EIBC
Ross Gavin, Michigan Environmental Council
Nicholas Occhipinti, Michigan League of Conservation Voters Derrell Slaughter, Natural Resources Defense Council
Tim Minotas, Sierra Club Michigan Chapter
Raquel Garcia, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision