Clean Fuels Michigan is a strong advocate for clean mobility budget appropriations. The budget process is a complicated, important policy lever for growing the clean mobility industries and deploying more clean mobility technology in Michigan.
Budget appropriations happen annually in Michigan and follow this basic process:
- The Governor announces their Executive Recommendation in early February (2/5/2025 this year)
- From February through June, the House and Senate deliberate. Each chamber has an Appropriations Committee and several Appropriations Sub-Committees. Each sub-committee is assigned one or several state agency budgets.
- Once a sub-committee passes a budget, it goes to the Appropriations Committee. Once the Appropriations Committee approves the budgets, they go to the floor in their respective chambers.
- In May, the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC) is held, potentially changing budget targets based on economic and revenue forecasts by the Senate Fiscal Agency, the House Fiscal Agency, and the Department of Treasury.
- Once the House and Senate pass their budgets, the Conference Committee convenes to iron out any differences between the chambers. The Conference Committee’s decisions go back to the floor for a vote.
- Finally, the matching Senate and House budget bill(s) go to the Governor’s desk for signature.
- The budget process typically wraps up in late June or early July. However, it could be finalized as late as September. If a state budget is not finalized by September 30th, the State Government may face a shutdown.
Appropriations approved by the legislature take effect at the start of the next fiscal year:
This year the legislature is deliberating on the Fiscal Year 2026 budget, which begins on October 1, 2025.
Supplemental budgets are mid-year adjustments to the budget and may change spending amounts or add new line items. Often, a supplemental is proposed by the State Budget Office, but the Legislature can also initiate a supplemental. Supplemental appropriations follow the same legislative process as the general, or “omnibus,” budgets and require a majority vote of the House and Senate and the Governor’s signature.
For more information on the budget process, check out the resources stored on the House and Senate Fiscal Agency website.
What the budget means for clean mobility:
In 2024, we secured $80 million in clean mobility programs in the State Budget. Those funds are being invested in EV charging stations, hydrogen refueling, state fleet electrification, and more. The funding invested last year will support the adoption of cleaner vehicles and the clean mobility industry’s growth, but we know more is needed.
This year, we hope to work with the Legislature and Governor to support under-invested clean mobility applications, such as:
- Filling gaps in our EV charging infrastructure
- Supporting public and private fleets, including implementing the Governor’s Executive Order to transition the state fleet to 100% zero-emission vehicles
- Supporting workforce development for clean mobility careers
Thanks to continued advocacy from industry and nonprofits, these priorities are all represented in Governor Whitmer’s Executive Recommendation. Clean Fuels Michigan members can see our detailed policy brief on the Executive Recommendation here.
We look forward to working with our members and partners to ensure that the Fiscal Year 2026 State Budget adequately reflects Michigan’s commitment to clean mobility technologies.
Contact Chase ( with questions about the budget process or Clean Fuels Michigan’s priorities.