We offer opportunities to network with Michigan’s clean transportation leaders.

"Clean Fuels Michigan has been a great partner for ROUSH CleanTech for many years now. We work together to enhance the adoption of advanced clean transportation vehicles in Michigan companies, helping them reduce their carbon footprint while putting money back into the local economy at the same time."
Chelsea Uphaus,
ROUSH CleanTech
Exchange of Ideas
Who you know matters! We enable members to connect, building mutually beneficial partnerships and sharing ideas, advice, and industry experiences.
Member Work Groups
We host regular virtual work group discussions to give members a voice in advancing clean mobility goals, priorities, roadmaps, and initiatives. Our current work groups are:
- Clean Fleets
- Workforce Development
- Policy & Funding
Special Events
In Spring, we host our annual Lobby Day event to allow members to directly engage with policymakers, share expertise, and shape the legislative agenda.
In Fall, we host DISRUPT!, a premier networking event, showcasing clean mobility leaders.
Shared Conference Booths
We support members sharing large booths at conferences. Not only does sharing booths reduce costs, but it provides invaluable networking opportunities. If you are interested, please contact us.
Members-Only Directory
Members also have access to a members-only directory to further facilitate idea sharing.